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Please note: Our Leisure Travel policies do not provide cover for travel to destinations that are designated as “Do Not Travel” by the Australian government or sanctioned destinations. Please ensure you check the latest government advice and travel alerts.

Current Alerts

Travel Alert

Tropical Cyclone Alfred – March 2025 

Issued: 5 March 2025


On 3 March 2025, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) advised that Tropical Cyclone Alfred has intensified into a Category 2 system. The BOM anticipate the cyclone will turn toward South-East Queensland on the afternoon of 4 March 2025 with a coastal impact later in the week.

Heavy rainfall is forecast for southeast Queensland and northeastern New South Wales with some local areas expected to receive intense rainfall. Gale-force winds of up to 120kph are predicted for the east coast of Australia.


What does this mean for your travel insurance cover?

As the Australian BOM have advised that Tropical Cyclone Alfred has intensified into a Category 2 system, we now consider any subsequent disruption to travel as result of this cyclone to be a ‘Known event’ from 4 March 2025 and subject to the below policy exclusion:


"General exclusions - Known events

2. Any event or set of circumstances that you were aware of at the time you booked or extended your trip, or you purchased this insurance, whichever happened last, that could reasonably be expected to lead to a claim."


This means for policies purchased on or after 4 March 2025, no cover will be provided for any loss, expense or liability in connection with such cyclonic activity or resultant travel disruption. We encourage you to speak with your transport provider as soon as possible to minimise your out-of-pocket expenses.

Where policies have been issued and confirmed before 4 March 2025, cover for trip cancellation and additional expenses incurred will be assessed against the terms and conditions of the policy.

If you are a current policyholder who purchased a policy before 4 March 2025, we advise you to monitor the situation closely, speak with your airline or travel provider and call us to discuss your options if required.  If you intend on submitting a claim as a result of this event, you should first:  

  1.   Confirm with your airline that your flights have been cancelled.
  2.   Contact your airline to review alternative arrangements.
  3.   Contact your travel agent or your airline and/or accommodation providers to see what costs they will meet or amendment concessions or refunds they are prepared to provide. 

As always, each claim will be considered on its merits taking into account the individual circumstances of the claim and the terms and conditions of the policy. Travellers are advised to check their particular policy for eligibility, cover entitlement and the type of expenses that can be claimed.


Please note:

  1. This situation is fluid and may be subject to change. 
  2. We are monitoring the present situation and will provide further update(s), should the position materially change.
  3. This position statement only remains applicable as long as the present circumstances prevail.


Contact Information and PDS Documents

Qantas Travel Insurance

• Policy Enquiries & Confirmation

• Emergency Assistance

• Claims



Jetstar Travel Insurance

• Policy Enquiries & Confirmation

  • Phone: 1800 257 504 (within Australia) or +60 3 2772 5593 (from overseas)
  • Email:

• Emergency Assistance

  • Phone: 1800 257 504 (within Australia) or +60 3 2772 5593 (from overseas)
  • Email:

• Claims



Please be advised that the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine may impact travel insurance coverages and benefits, and AIG Travel’s ability to provide certain travel-related assistance services, for travel to, from or within the affected areas.

Travel Alert

Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki Ash Cloud – November 2024

Issued: 15 November 2024


On 13 November 2024, the media reported increased volcanic activity at Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki in East Flores regency, East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia, resulting in numerous flight cancellations between I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport (WADD/DPS), which serves Denpasar city in Bali province, and other Indonesian airports. Further volcanic activity is possible in the near term and may prompt additional travel restrictions and disruptions, including regional flight delays and cancellations as airlines monitor volcanic ash and the exclusion zone imposed by Indonesian authorities around Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki.


What does this mean for your travel insurance cover?

As the increase in volcanic activity (including the recent eruptions and increased seismic activity) and associated travel disruptions arising from such volcanic activity (including airport closures, flight disruptions and/or cancellations) have been reported in the media, we now consider any subsequent disruption to travel as result of this eruption to be a ‘Known event’ from 13 November 2024 and subject to the below PDS exclusion:


"General exclusions - Known events

2. Any event or set of circumstances that you were aware of at the time you booked or extended your trip or you purchased this insurance, whichever happened last, that could reasonably be expected to lead to a claim."


This means for policies purchased on or after 13 November 2024, no cover will be provided for loss or damage sustained in connection with such volcanic activity or resultant travel disruption.

Where policies have been issued and confirmed before 13 November 2024, cover for trip cancellation and additional expenses incurred will be assessed against the wording of the policy.

If you are a current policyholder who purchased a policy before 13 November 2024, we advise to monitor the situation closely and call us to discuss your options if required.  If you intend on submitting a claim as a result of this event, you should first:     

  1. Confirm with your airline that your flights have been cancelled.
  2. Contact your airline to review alternative arrangements.
  3. Contact your travel agent or your airline and/or accommodation providers to see what costs they will meet or amendment concessions or refunds they are prepared to provide. 

As always, each claim will be considered on its merits taking into account the individual circumstances of the claim and the terms and conditions of the PDS. Travellers are advised to check their particular PDS for eligibility, cover entitlement and the type of expenses that can be claimed.


Please note:

  1. This situation is fluid and may be subject to change, including additional travel restrictions and disruptions including additional airport closures and expansion of the exclusion zone. 
  2. We are monitoring the present situation and will provide further update(s), should the position materially change.
  3. This position statement only remains applicable as long as the present circumstances prevail.

Contact Information and PDS Documents

Qantas Travel Insurance

• Policy Enquiries & Confirmation

o Phone: 1800 954 270 (within Australia) or +61 3 9522 4840 (from overseas)

o Email:

• Emergency Assistance

o Phone: 1800 954 016 (within Australia) or +61 3 9522 4838 (from overseas)

o Email:

• Claims

o Please visit:  


o   Please visit Policy Documents

Jetstar Travel Insurance

• Policy Enquiries & Confirmation

o   Phone: 1800 257 504 (within Australia) or +60 3 2772 5593 (from overseas)

o   Email:

• Emergency Assistance

o   Phone: 1800 257 504 (within Australia) or +60 3 2772 5593 (from overseas)

o   Email:

• Claims

o   Please visit:


o   Jetstar Insurance International Comprehensive Plan


Please monitor Smartraveller for up-to-date Government information and advice.

Previous Alerts

Individual Leisure Travel Insurance Update - New Policies
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – 11 August 2021

The Australian Federal and State Governments have placed restrictions on Australian citizens, residents and other persons travelling within, to and from Australia due to COVID-19. Ensure you check any Travel Alerts before you travel.

Further information on this can be found at:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is considered a foreseen or known event. There are various exclusions arising relating to COVD-19, please ensure you read the policy wording to see the full details.

Domestic Travel Insurance

There is no cover for claims directly or indirectly related to the following (unless otherwise stated in the COVID 19 domestic benefits section below):

  • Any losses for trip cancellation, trip delay and/or additional expenses caused by or due to COVID-19 is considered an expected, known and/or foreseeable event which is not covered by insurance. 
  • Any losses for trip cancellation if you or your travelling companion cancel your trip because of disinclination to travel, change of mind or fear of travelling. 
  • Any losses in connection with travel restrictions due to government orders, advisories, regulations, directives, or border closures.

COVID 19 Domestic Benefits

There is some cover available relating to COVID-19 as outlined below.

  • If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 after the purchase of an individual travel insurance policy and prior to departure, you will be covered for trip cancellation, provided you have a confirmed and documented diagnosis at the time of departure. Cover is subject to the terms and conditions of your policy. 
  • If you are diagnosed with COVID-19 while on a covered trip, you will be covered for reasonable and necessary additional expenses, as long as you have a confirmed and documented diagnosis, and your trip was not in conflict with any travel restrictions or advice (as above). Cover is subject to the terms and conditions of your policy.

This COVID-19 benefit outlined above is subject to you meeting all terms and conditions of your policy.

International Travel Insurance

There is no cover for claims directly or indirectly related to the following, (unless otherwise provided under a COVID-19 cover section within an applicable policy wording. See below):

  • An epidemic or pandemic (including, but not limited to, COVID-19) declared by a governmental body, official health authority or the World Health Organisation. 
  • Any disease or event declared by the World Health Organisation as a public health emergency of international concern. 
  • The threat or fear of any such epidemic, pandemic, disease or event. 
  • Trip cancellation if you or your travelling companion cancel your trip because of disinclination to travel, change of mind or fear of travelling. 
  • Travel restrictions due to government orders, advisories, regulations, directives, or border closures.

COVID-19 Cover International Benefits

Please check the COVID-19 cover section in your applicable international travel insurance policy wording for full coverage and benefits.

This COVID-19 coverage is subject to you meeting all other terms and conditions of your policy.

Combined Product Disclosure Statements and Policy Wordings

Please ensure you read the applicable Combined Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording for a full description of the coverage:

Jetstar Travel Insurance

AIG Travel

A Target Market Determination (TMD) is available for all products and can be found here

Each claim will be considered on its merits, taking into account the individual circumstances of the claim and the terms and conditions of the policy.

Please click here to read our COVID-19 FAQ's.